Scientific Notation
We use scientific notation to express in short terms numbers too large or too small.
When a number is too small like 0.00000008 we prefer to write it in the form:
[tex]a\cdot10^b[/tex]Where a is a number between 1 (inclusive) and 10 (non-inclusive).
The value of b is a power of 10 that will be negative if the original number is less than 1 and positive if it's greater or equal to 10.
Now we are required to explain why is that.
a. The number 0.00000008 can be expressed like:
[tex]\frac{8}{100,000,000}[/tex]Expressing the denominator as a power of 10:
[tex]\frac{8}{100,000,000}=\frac{8}{10^8}[/tex]Applying the properties of exponents:
[tex]\frac{8}{100,000,000}=\frac{8}{10^8}=8\cdot10^{-8}[/tex]The exponent is negative because we wrote the base 10 in the numerator.
b. The number 20 billion is 20,000,000,000
This time the number is greater than 1 and the exponent of the base 10 will be positive: