The direction in which the horizontal winds near the surface move in a hurricane in the northern hemisphere is counterclockwise direction.
A tropical cyclone is a fleetly rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, an unrestricted low-position atmospheric rotation, strong winds, and a helical arrangement of showers that produce heavy rain and storms. A hurricane is a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 long hauls per hour or further. The eye of a storm is generally 20- 30 long hauls wide and may extend over 400 long hauls. The troubles of a storm include torrential rains, high winds, and storm surges.
Hurricanes form when warm wettish air over water begins to rise. The rising air is replaced by cooler air. This process continues to grow large shadows and showers. These showers continue to grow and begin to rotate thanks to the earth's Coriolis Effect.
Learn more about hurricanes here: