The page in which he “He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out” (12) perfectly demonstrates a simile.
After Clarisse has informed Montag that he is neither happy nor in love, this sentence is spoken as Montag returns home. Clarisse's words had an effect on Montag's disposition.
Who wants to hear that they are unhappy?
As Montag reflected on what he had just heard, his joy faded. His grin vanished, and was replaced by a frown. The simile helps the readers see what is happening in their heads and helps them understand Montag's abrupt change in attitude.
His dissipating smile is compared to tallow, fatty skin folded over on itself and a candle that was lit for too long and destroyed after being blown out. The candle and Montag's grin fell out.
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