Question 4
Which sentence contains a fragment?

a. The cafeteria was known for serving mystery meat that no one could identify. It swam in dark-brown gravy.

b. No one could identify the mystery meat the cafeteria was known for serving. It swam in dark-brown gravy.

c. The cafeteria was known for serving mystery meat. That no one could identify. It swam in dark-brown gravy.

Respuesta :

This sentence contains fragment- The cafeteria was known for serving mystery meat. That no one could identify. It swam in dark-brown gravy.

What is fragment?

a sent-ence fragment is a clause that falls short of true sentence-hood because it is miss-ing one of 3 critical compo-nents: a subject, a verb, and a comp-lete thought. We often fail to recog-nize our sentence fragments because our in-complete thoughts can easily masq-uerade as sentences.

A sentence fragment is a sentence that is mi-ssing either its subject or its main verb. Some sentence frag-ments occur as the result of simple typo-graphical errors or omis-sion of words. They can often be avo-ided with careful proof-reading.

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