The typical endothelium secretes prostacyclin (PGI2), endothelial-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), and nitric oxide (NO) in response to increased flow, which causes vascular smooth muscle cells to relax and cause vasodilation.
A study of the embryo also indicates that endothelial cells alone form the basal lamina of the smallest blood vessels, from which arteries and veins emerge. Pericytes, connective tissue, and smooth muscle are added later, as needed, in response to signals from the endothelial cells.
A fall in blood pressure is brought on by the vasodilation, which increases blood flow and decreases systemic vascular resistance (SVR).
The endothelium is an essential metabolizing and endocrine organ that plays a significant role in the regulation of immunology, inflammation, and angiogenesis, as well as the control of blood fluidity, platelet aggregation, and vascular tone.
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