Check for responsiveness as the primary assessment when the initial impression of the scene is safe.
Establishing a general impression, checking responsiveness by assessing the airway, assessing the breathing, and assessing the mental status, assessing the blood circulation, and identifying the patient's priority for treatment and transfer to the hospital are the six components of primary assessment.
The aspects of scene size-up need simultaneous evaluation and involve reviewing dispatch information, determining the number of patients, determining the cause of injury or kind of sickness, determining resources, determining standard precautions, and assessing scene safety. The first impression of a victim is based on how the victim seems when the situation is assessed. For example, a lifeguard discovers an unresponsive adult on the locker room floor. He activates the facility's EAP, examines the situation, generates a first impression, and conducts a primary assessment.
Learn more about primary assessment in first aid here: