Review Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" assigned in Lesson 2.8 (assigned on 9-15-22). You may refer to this text as you compose your writing.

Writers utilize many techniques to create suspense as they tell their stories. In this story, Poe uses specific words that create suspense for the reader.

Choose at least 2 specific words Poe uses in the story "The Tell-Tale Heart". Compos a paragraph response that explains each word and how it creates suspense for the reader. Using the R.A.C.E.S. strategy, compose a paragraph using a least 2 quotes from the text to explain your ideas. Your paragraph should be at least 75 words.

What specific words create suspense for the reader in "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe and how does each word create suspense in the story?