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Rate this essay out of 20, here is the prompt, Choose one of the values from de Tocqueville's Democracy in America and write an essay describing steps that can be taken to protect or restore that value in America.
Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America describes five values of the United States. These values consist of Liberty, Egalitarianism, Individualism, Populism, and Laissez-faire. One of the more important values was egalitarianism, the idea that all people are created equal and that everyone has liberty.

Tocqueville saw three exceptions of egalitarianism in America which were slavery, women, and treatment of natives. Slavery not only took away egalitarianism but violated human rights in nearly every way. Colonial America also took away land and homes away from the natives with some even being forced into slavery. Lastly women weren't allowed to do many things that men could, women were forced to take care of their family and the home without the ability to work.

Steps were also taken to protect or restore this value in America. For example, the land which was available was equally promoted among the people. This made the American people see their neighbors as equal and they started to contribute the feeling of equality. The abolishment of slavery was a major step towards equality, all slaves were set free and it was made illegal to own any slaves in America. For women, equality came from the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. This act provided legal equality of sexes and prohibited any discrimination on the basis of sex.

In the end, egalitarianism, or equality, was given to every citizen of the United States. Although today there are still debates on whether everyone is truly equal, social equality is a thing acquired by everyone at birth.