You discover a mutation that causes mice to develop cramps in their legs. A female mouse of a true-breeding strain that develops cramps is mated with a male of a true-breeding non-cramp strain. All progeny develop cramps in their legs. You hypothesize that the mutation is in a mitochondrial gene. breed crampy male progeny with normal females to show no paternal inheritance procedures could most effectively test that hypothesis.
Genetically modified mice are generated by either direct pronuclear injection of exogenous DNA into fertilized zygotes hypothesis or injection of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells, with defined genetic mutations introduced by gene targeting into a blastocyst.
Targeted mutant mice are produced by first inducing gene disruptions, replacements or duplications into embryonic hypothesis stem (ES) cells via homologous recombination between the exogenous (targeting) DNA and therefore the endogenous (target) gene.
Transgenic mice may also be wont to study gene hypothesis function or to come up with models for human disease, only if the specified effect is observed when the transgene is expressed within the presence of the multitude of host genes.
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