In sentence 17 (reproduced below), which of the following versions of the underlined text best encapsulates the writer’s position on the main argument of the passage?

The ease of technological applications is rapidly eradicating the concept of learning from one’s mistakes or acquiring knowledge from nontechnical sources, blurring the lines between knowledge and application more by the day.

(as it is now)
and limiting production of these applications can resolve this concern.
which reflects society’s preference to lazily utilize these applications.
eradicating the inherent value of learning through trial and error.
which demonstrates another detriment associated with technology.

In sentence 17 reproduced below which of the following versions of the underlined text best encapsulates the writers position on the main argument of the passag class=
In sentence 17 reproduced below which of the following versions of the underlined text best encapsulates the writers position on the main argument of the passag class=

Respuesta :

answer: #1 as it is now