Suppose you suddenly gained millions of followers on social. Write a description of the imagined experience. Include what kind of content you would create and how you would use your influence. How might this compare to Charli's fame?

Respuesta :


the imagined experience is: I would influence my social media to the earth, and warn people to recycle, and make earth kind of content, to protect the earth,



Gaining millions of followers on Social media is not like gaining millions of friends as some people might think it is. Followers are people who look up to you and see you as a role model. I think this experience would be very nice, and it would be a great experience to experience. But millions of fans also means your going to have millions of haters. your going to have people bashing you no matter how many support you. there is always going to be one grey duckling that has to stamp out your party. But you have to live with it and realize that they are just other people on the internet. What others think of you shouldn't dictate how you live your life.

If I had millions of followers I would most likely create content that felt right to me. I like to play games, and I have many animals so I would focus on that. I would focus on the things that make me happy, not the things that make other people happy.

This can compare to Charli's fame in a way because we would both have millions of fans. But Charli earned her fame by conforming to societies standards and doing things that made everyone else happy instead of herself. Charli has fans because she's always changing up her stuff, creating new dances and new trends. this would be the opposite for me, I would be famous because people like to sit back and watch a cute video of a baby Dalmatian puppy, or watch my bird curse my brothers out.