Give me 10 facts about Hitler and also give me a sentence with all these words.











Respuesta :

10 facts about Hitler:

1.  Hitler was born on April 20, 1829.

2.  Adolf Hitler loved Disney.

3.  In his youth, Hitler had a crush on a Jewish girl named of Stefanie Isak.

4.  Hitler’s father died when he was very young.

5. Hitler was not a very good student in school.

6. Hitler was sentenced to prison, where he wrote “Mein Kompf”.

7. Hitler wanted to rid the world of Jews, to be a legacy, to be worshiped.

8. Very quickly after WW1, Hitler began to engage in political activity.

9. In June 1941, Hitler also declared war on the United States.

10. In May of 1945, Hitler committed suicide.

Sentence examples:

1. Stadstimmertuinen:

 Mother told me, that back in the day, many students were taught in stadstimmertuinens.

2.  Lavatory:

Many students ask their teacher if they may use the lavatory, to simply avoid class.

3. Queerly:

As a student, a teacher’s explanation may be quite queerly.


The child appreciated the patronage.


The ill woman sought solace.

6. Helter-skelter:

 Books and papers were scattered on the desk in a helter-skelter manner.

7. Petticoat:

The old woman was frantically looking for her petticoat.

8. Impudent:

 His impudent behavior was a constant source of frustration for his mother.

9.  Shortcomings:

Despite all the shortcomings the student suffered, he still managed to succeed

10. Anticipation:

My parents have high anticipations.

Have a nice day! :)

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria. Throughout his childhood, Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist, it was his passion. He applied to the Vienna Academy of Art two times, but was not accepted in either instance. Adolf Hitler served in the German Army for four years during WW1. He was a skilled public speaker with great influence. He entered politics after the end of WW1 due to his discontentment as to the decisions Germany's leaders had made at the time. In 1934 Hitler became Führer and Reichskanzler. Hitler was most famously a persecuting anti-semitic, although some sources say that he was part Jewish himself. He was not a German citizen until 1932, because his birthplace was Austria. Hitler (and his wife Eva) died on April 30, 1945 via suicide. 

Stadstimmertuinen, is how they say summer in Germany. Summer is my favorite season!
2.  Excuse me, I must make a trip to use the lavatory.
3. He looked at me queerly, his sidelong gaze making me feel unsettled.
4. Thank you miss for your kind patronage to an old beggar like myself.
5. I find solace in solitude and books.
6. (I'm not sure what this word is! I apologize. If you mean halter then...) The halter was tight on my shoulders and I longed to discard the pesky garment for something more suitable.
7. Her petticoat gave the silk skirt the perfect lift and its pale pink frills swirled about her ankles.
8. I don't appreciate your imprudent attitude young lady!
9. I recognize my faults and shortcomings and they reside in the forefront of my mind.
10. I tapped my feet in eager anticipation for the ice cream truck. 

Best Wishes!!! c: