1. What is meant by the terms “life”, “liberty”, “pursuit of happiness”?

2. Do we have all these things right now in our society today? Why/why not?

3. What are some examples of how we in our society have life/liberty or pursue happiness?

Respuesta :

1) It is the well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence.

2) Yes, We have all these things, which is provided by the Declaration, as promised by the Constitution, and supported by the People.

3) There are 
three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all human beings by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect.

Hope this helps!
1. Life, liberty, and happiness is a phrase which represents human’s undeniable rights.

Today, in our current society, we do not have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now, people fail to understand that everyone else is a human too, no matter what color, faith, sex, age, or gender. The main people who have withered life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were prejudice individuals. 

In our society, worldwide, many countries have these three qualities. For instance, in Japan, they do not look at someone for their color or race. They give equal rights to all.

Have a nice day! :)