Respuesta :
It wouldn't. Zygotes that have more than the standard chromosome number do not develop; in fact, in animals, trisomy (inheriting 3 chromosomes instead of the normal two) is fatal. The exception for this is trisomy-21, or Down's Syndrome.
Hypothjetically, let's say it worked and a diploid zygote was fertilized with another diploid (2n) zygote...for 4 generations. In humans, that would result in a zygote containing 186 chromosomes instead of the human chromosome number of 46 (2n).
I guess you could say it would have a chromosome number of 4n.
Hypothjetically, let's say it worked and a diploid zygote was fertilized with another diploid (2n) zygote...for 4 generations. In humans, that would result in a zygote containing 186 chromosomes instead of the human chromosome number of 46 (2n).
I guess you could say it would have a chromosome number of 4n.
Haploid (n) cells and nuclei may result in this way.
Further explanation
Sexual reproduction is always meiosis and before its discussion we must should have the concept of chromosomes their set and nuclear division.
Diploid cells
Cell having two pair of chromosomes is called as diploid cell. They are abbreviated as 2n
Haploid cells
Cell having only one set of chromosomes and they are abbreviated as 1n or n.
It is the no of complete arrangements of chromosomes in a cell, and hence quantity of potential alleles for pseudo autosomal and autosomal genes. Physical cells, tissues, and individual creatures can be depicted by the quantity of sets of chromosomes present (the "ploidy level"): monoploid (1 set), diploid (2 sets), triploid (3 sets), tetraploid (4 sets), pentaploid (5 sets), hexaploidy (6 sets), heptaploid [2] or septaploid [3] (7 sets), and so forth. The conventional term polyploid is frequently used to depict cells with at least three chromosome sets.
It is the condition of a cell or life form having in excess of two matched (homologous) arrangements of chromosomes. Most species whose cell have nuclei (eukaryotes) are diploid, which means they have two arrangements of chromosomes—one set acquired from each parent. In any case, a few living beings are polyploid, and polyploidy is particularly regular in plants.
Answer details
Subject: Biology
Level: High
- Diploid cells
- Haploid cells
- Ploidy
- Polyploidy
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