Natural selection and genetic flow are evolutionary forces that select and spread mutations that favor de organisms. 1) individuals in a population. 2) more. 3) less. 4) evolutionary adaptation. 5) unity. 6) diversity.
Biodiversity on Earth is due basically to genetic variations.
Genetic charges of different species are constantly changing, and this variation is what eventually might lead to speciation and species diversity increase.
Mutations are what produce genetic variation. If these mutations are beneficial for organisms, they are favored by natural selection and then spread by the genetic flow.
Organisms are exposed to different environmental pressures to which they need to adapt. If random mutations in their genetic material are beneficial for organisms to increase their fitness in these environments, they are favored and transmitted to descendants.
Mutations, natural selection, and genetic flow lead to the evolution of species.
Different species evolve and contribute to a greater diversity of environments, which means new pressures on different species to survive, and hence, new adaptations.
According to his observations, Darwin proposed that the best suited _individuals in a population would survive and reproduce _more_ successfully than those _less_adapted to their environment, and he called this "_evolutionary adaptation_"
This mechanism could account for both the unity and diversity of features among species.
The similarities between the descent organisms and their common ancestor explain the _unity_ of life, while the force of natural selection in different environments accounts for the _diversity_ of life.
1) individuals in a population
2) more
3) less
4) evolutionary adaptation
5) unity
6) diversity
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