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Model Globes with Geographical Terms are of three categories. They are:

  • Equal area projection
  • Polar projection Map
  • Mercator Projection.

What is the Equal Area Projection Map/ Globe?

The Equal Earth map projection is a globe map equal-area pseudo cylindrical projection created in 2018 by Bojan avri, Bernhard Jenny, and Tom Patterson.

It is based on the popular Robinson projection, however unlike the Robinson projection, it keeps the relative size of regions.

What is the Polar Projection Map?

The polar projection is an azimuthal projection used to depict the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

It is founded on a plane perpendicular to the Earth's axis and in contact with either the North or South Poles. It's only 10 or 15 degrees away from the poles.

What is the Mercator Projection Map?

The Mercator projection is a conformal cylindrical map projection that was designed to provide precise compass bearings for maritime voyages.

This projection also has the advantage of accurately and precisely defining all local shapes at microscopic size. Gerardus Mercator proposed it in 1569.

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