Segregation lay the foundation for apartheid because the majority of blacks, along with white women, were denied the vote.
The bulk of black people and white women were excluded from voting. Apartheid was made possible by racial segregation, which was made the Union's official policy. Segregation was created by the two powerful politicians of the day, Jan Smuts and J. B. M. Hertzog.
Three years after South Africa earned its independence, the contentious 1913 Land Act was implemented, ushering in the era of territorial segregation by requiring black Africans to reside in reserves and outlawing their employment as sharecroppers.
Racial categorization dictated where people lived. In some of the greatest mass evictions in modern history, 3.5 million black Africans were forcibly relocated from their homes and placed in segregated neighborhoods between 1960 and 1983 as a result of apartheid legislation.
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