investigate the influence of self-esteem and teenagers participating in risky behaviour based on positive / high self-esteem and negative / low self esteem​

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The answer is Self esteem and teenagers participating in risky behaviour is definitely linked.

Teenagers want to fit in, especially in high school, so they tend to do things so they can seem cool. Things like drinking alcohol and using drugs. The fact that you change your morals while trying to fit in already shows that your self esteem was already low. A person does not need to change themselves to fit in, there is always someone with the same likes as you but when it comes to teens, its different. Society has made it seem normal that teens have to smoke and partake in sexual activity so it is hard for some teens to find themselves in such environments.

  • While it can be normal for a teenager to lack confidence at times, people with self-esteem issues normally view themselves differently to how others view them.
  • Low Self esteem can be particularly hard for young people especially when they’re doing things  like starting high school or work, and forming new friendships and relationships. Keep reading to understand self-esteem issues that may come up for your teenager and ways to help your child feel better about themselves and their capabilities.
  • Overall, research affirms adolescents with low self-esteem have less control over the decisions and subsequent behaviors they perform because of their desire to prove their worth to others. Also, it has been hypothesized that low self-esteem might be caused by poor family support, which affects their learning in regards to the self-control.

To learn more about Self esteem visit: