contestada neoclassical economists see a value in tolerating a little more inflation if it brings additional economic output? explain your answer.

Respuesta :

Yes, the neoclassical economists favour long-term growth above inflation. They contend that the economy is long-term self-adjusting, meaning that while there may be changes in the price level, output does not.

Therefore, neoclassical economists are prepared to put up with a little bit higher inflation if it results in increased economic production. This is the case because while inflation will eventually subside, the increased output will spur economic development. When the neo-classical economists concentrate on the problem of the unemployment rate that persists in the economy even when the economy is operating at potential GDP level, this will increase the quality of living. They make use of a variety of public policies and welfare programmed to help and encourage job seekers among the unemployed

Learn more about neoclassical economists