Database management systems usually require specialized query languages that enable the user to ask questions of a database to retrieve information.
Software systems used to store, extract and analyze data are called Database Management Systems (DBMSs). They act as an interface between an end-user and a database, which is a collection of organized data. The Database Management Systems allow users to generate, fetch, update/edit and delete data in the database. These all operations on data are performed through specialized query languages.
The query languages typically refer to any programming languages that request and retrieve data from the Database Management System by providing queries. Query languages require users to enter a structured command that is close to English language such as SELECT, FIND, DELETE, SUM, UPDATE, INSERT etc. Depending on the query provided, the Database Management Systems gives the data requested.
Some examples of query languages are SQL, Transact-SQL, MySQL, Oracle SQL and PostgreSQL. Whereas, MySQL, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, FileMaker, RDBMS, Oracle, dBASE, FoxPro and Clipper are some examples of Database Management Systems.
You can learn more about query languages at: