Where should play be restarted after the unsporting behavior of a player who lifts the ball with their foot to head the ball back to their keeper
From the position of the player who commits the offense
The offensive component of a team is the area that seeks to score points. You are on attack if you play forward for your soccer club. An act or omission that violates the law and is sanctioned by a penalty is referred to as an offense in a legal context. There is a lot of lexical overlap between the phrases offense, criminal offense, and crime. When referring to a small crime, the word offense is usually used. A civil wrong, as used in the context of tort law, is not the same as an offense, though. The acts and omissions that are punishable as offenses (or crimes) depend on the state in which they occur. Additionally, Congress has the power to decide which actions and omissions are punishable by federal law.
Learn more about offenses here