If the us government put a tariff on rose imports, what is the us consumer surplus that is redistrubuted to us producers? what is the governments tariff revenue?

Respuesta :

Rose producers in the United States lose from this trade in roses and would lobby for a tariff on roses.

The US government levies tariffs on imported goods. As a result, imported goods are effectively more expensive than domestic items. Every country has a tax code that regulates import and export taxes. For example, the US government has its tariff codes, such as HTS and Schedule B. Tariffs, however, have other consequences outside the impact on imports. Loss of customer expenditure on other things.

Tariffs are paid to the customs authorities of the country applying the tariff. For example, tariffs on imports entering the United States are collected by Customs and Border Protection on behalf of the Commerce Department.

Learn more about tariff revenue here:
