The line "'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land," in the poem "On being brought from Africa to America" and the line "Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand" in the poem "The new colossus" underscores the theme about America being a land of foreigners.
Although both poems underscore how America is home to many foreigners, the context in which this is addressed in each poem is different.
In "On being brought from Africa to America" the author is an African woman enslaved and brought to America by force. This shows that the woman is not a foreigner of her own volition, but the system into which she has been inserted prevents her from not seeing America as her home.
In "The new colossus" the author is a refugee woman, who saw America as an option to escape her country's problems and found in the country, of her own free will, a home where she feels good.
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