If you thought getting your wobbly teen out of bed on time each morning was your frequent struggle of our nation's teens it's a public health issue. As a possible option , the AAP called for middle and high schools to start classes 30 minutes to an hour later to allow students to take off MOL In the 2011-12 school year , 45 percent of schools Public high schools in the United States started their school day earlier than 8 a.m. In a statement released Monday , the AAP said delaying the start time of the school day can help students get the floor hours they need . studies show that this combis can help solve problems caused by chronic sleep loss Sleep deprivation in adolescents is widespread. 87 percent of daily soil students. High school seniors sleep on average less than 7 hours a day. The AAP reports that the average teenager in the United States is often as tired as someone with narcolepsy, a condition that makes people so gray they sometimes fall asleep uncontrollably. Burnout among teens has serious consequences. Many teens fall asleep in class or doing homework because of exhaustion. Teen drivers are also at risk of car accidents when they are tired. And , as many of us know firsthand , being married affects mood , attention , memory , and behavioral control Clearly , teens suffer when they do not get enough sleep . So can't you go to bed earlier? The answer is: not really. At the beginning of adolescence, the body delays the release of melatonin, the hormone that tells the body that it is time to go to sleep. This makes it hard to sleep early at night. Researchers have also found that adolescents take longer to relax than it does for people at other stages of life. " This research indicates that the average adolescent in today 's society has difficulty falling asleep before 11 pm , " says the AMP statement Timothy Mogenthaler , president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine , agrees that this is a serious problem. " When high school classes start early in the morning , we 're asking teens to get up when their biological clock tells them to sleep , " he said in a statement Studies show starting school later will help students sleep an hour more a day would improve attendance rates, reduce dropout rates, and even reduce the number of car accidents among teen drivers Whether a later start to school improves academic achievement remains to be confirmed AAP acknowledges that it can be difficult for schools to comment later without creating scheduling problems. However , the organization argues that schools should try to make the change .
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