An ordered set of numbers or objects in which the order helps you predict what will come next is called the pattern.
It is required to explain about ordered set.
What is an ordered set?
An ordered set is a relational structure (S,⪯) such that the relation ⪯ is an ordering. Such a structure may be: A partially ordered set (poset) A totally ordered set (toset).
An ordered set and if the ordering is so tricky that every non-empty set has a minimal value, then it is a well ordered set.
An ordered set!
ordered set” is ambiguous, since it can mean either a partially ordered set, in which an ordering exists but not all elements are ordered relative to one another, or a totally ordered set, in which every element is either ≥ or ≤ every other element.
Therefore, an ordered set of numbers or objects in which the order helps you predict what will come next is called the pattern.
Learn more about ordered set here: