This is further explained below.
Generally, The following is the appropriate response to the aforementioned open inquiry.
My choice for the probable source of contamination in the kitchen is going to be the most prevalent one: human hair. Because of this, the very first regulation that applies to persons who work in the kitchen is that they must always have their hair pulled back properly and must always wear some kind of hair protection.
In order to get rid of this contamination in my kitchen, I would use the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) technique, which is supported by this theory. The HACCP stands for "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point."
In conclusion, When preparing the components for meals, it's important to keep in mind that people's hair contains a lot of unseen elements that might be harmful. Therefore, a more stringent control and implementation of the principles of the HACCP would result in the development of a culture of prevention.
Read more about HACCP