Using the internet find a creation myth. Record the title of the myth, where you found the myth (source), and the culture that the myth is associated with. This myth can be in any logically accessible format, for example the myth could be in a written format, a video format, told orally in a podcast, and/or told verbally by a relative or community member.

Respuesta :

One example of a creation myth is:

  • The Sky Woman. It is associated with the Iroquois culture.

What is a creation myth?

A creation myth is a story that tells about the origin of a people. It has elements of the supernatural in the details. A creation myth has the idea that things were formed through the existence of a god.

The Native Americans had many creation myths and the Sky Woman is a popular version. It was a generally held story by the Iroquois people. This myth can be found in many databases.

Learn more about creation myths here: