If 2.69% of tax is paid when income is $26500 and 3.34% of the tax is paid on the greater amount to $26500 then the function which shows the tax amount is 0.0334x-198.75 in which x is the total income.
Given that 2.69% of tax is paid when income is $26500 and 3.34% of the tax is paid on the greater amount to $26500.
We are required to find the function which shows the tax amount and also calculate the tax amount at different incomes.
Let the income be x.
Now finding the tax on $50000,$39410,$1200 and $181475
Tax on $50000 income=10275*10%+31500*12%+8225*22%
Tax on $39410=10275*10%+29135*12%
Tax on $1200=1200*10%
Tax on $181465=10275*10%+31500*12%+47300*22%+80975*24%
Hence if 2.69% of tax is paid when income is $26500 and 3.34% of the tax is paid on the greater amount to $26500 then the function which shows the tax amount is 0.0334x-198.75 in which x is the total income.
Learn more about income tax at https://brainly.com/question/26316390