Jillian “could have cared less” about the score of the hockey game.

A. could haven't cared less
B. couldn't have cared less
C. could have cared as much
D. couldn't have cared more
E. could care less

Going to school is “preferable than” going to work.

A not preferable than
B. preferable
C. perforated to
D. preferable to
E. preferable than

“Wild and vicious, the veterinarian examined the wounded panther.”

A. The wild and vicious wounded panther was examined by the veterinarian.
B. The veterinarian examined the wounded, wild, and vicious panther.
C. The vicious veterinarian examined the wild and wounded panther.
D. Wild and vicious, the examined panther wounded the veterinarian.
E. Wild and vicious, the veterinarian examined the wounded panther.

“Journalists are” stimulated by his or her deadline.
A. A journalist are
B. Journalism is
C. Journalists is
D. A journalist is
E. Journalists are

When “someone has” been drinking, they are more likely to speed.
A. someone has
B. a person has
C. a driver has
D. someone have
E. drivers have