It's likely that if you were a European in the late 1400's and heard about Vasco da Gama and all the wealth Portugal was finding in India, you would sign up to be a world explorer, for the fact that that was the big goal for the society in the period, just as scientific and technological development is a scope of current society.
He was a renowned Portuguese navigator and explorer, who at the time of maritime exploration and Portuguese domination, was responsible for commanding the maritime expeditions that led to the discovery of the way to India in 1489, which culminated in the enrichment of Portugal through the trade routes with India.
Therefore, Vasco da Gama led the longest sea voyage of the period, culminating in a discovery that revolutionized the history of the great navigations, instituting the commercial monopoly of spices, precious metals and fabrics in India.
Find out more about Vasco da Gama here: