A nurse explains to a client that she will administer his first insulin dose in his abdomen. how does absorption at the abdominal site compare with absorption at other sites?

Respuesta :

Compared to other injection sites, abdominal injection sites absorb insulin more quickly.

The abdominal region of the body absorbs subcutaneous insulin the fastest, followed by the arms, the anterior thigh, and finally the arms again. When administered to the buttocks, absorption is less predictable.

Most people are aware that the location of the injection (or the location of the infusion set if you're pumping) affects how quickly insulin is absorbed. The upper arms, thighs, and upper buttocks are often the next fastest-absorbing body parts, followed by the stomach. The optimum area for insulin injection is the stomach. This is so that insulin can be continuously absorbed in the abdomen region. the thighs' front portions. From this region, insulin is often absorbed more slowly.

Learn more about  insulin here:
