Cellular storage deposits of glycogen, a free polysaccharide, could best be detected histologically using the Periodic acid-Schiff reaction.
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining is a technique for identifying mucosubstances such as glycoproteins, glycolipids, and mucins as well as polysaccharides like glycogen in tissues. The vicinal diols in these sugars are oxidized by the periodic acid reaction, typically causing the bond between two adjacent carbons not involved in glycosidic linkage or ring closure to break in the ring of the monosaccharide units that make up the long polysaccharides. This results in the formation of two aldehydes at the two free tips of each broken monosaccharide ring. The oxidation situation must be properly controlled to prevent additional oxidation of the aldehydes. The Schiff reagent then reacts with these aldehydes, producing a purple-magenta hue. Counterstains are frequently applied using an appropriate basic stain.
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