In 20th-century music, traditional harmony, and tonality were redefined or rejected in favor of Atonality and serialism.
The greatest change in music between Romantic and early modern times was harmony. While early 20th-century composers wanted their music to sound different from that of previous generations, Romantic composers pushed the boundaries of tonal harmonies as far as possible. I noticed that.
In 20th-century music, composers try not to feel that one note is more important than another. This is related to the idea of dissonance discussed above. The composer uses chromatic scales, so you don't have to worry about resolving dissonances anymore.
Music in the 20th century changed dramatically due to the hostile political climate, technological advances, and drastic changes in style. Many composers struggled to keep building on the music of previous generations, bucking established musical trends and creating exciting new forms and styles.
Learn more about harmony here