You are required to prepare and present a report which explains why an iconic landscape should be preserved with sustainable management, based on your evaluation of primary and secondary data.

Respuesta :

Iconic landscapes should be preserved with sustainable management due to their value and rising threats to their survival.

Iconic landscapes are landscapes that are unique to a particular region or cultural setting, are representative of a cluster of cultural heritage, or it reflects astounding  aesthetic features that are uncommon. Some famous iconic landscapes include the Scottish Highlands, the Grand Canyon, Machu Picchu, and the Iguassu Falls.

There are many reasons why iconic landscapes need to be preserved. They offer unique insights into the innate creativity of human beings, and enable humanity to bridge the span of hundreds of years to find connections with our long-gone ancestors.

Iconic landscapes are gravely threatened today. From the basic challenge of unsustainable tourism, to the corrosive effects of pollution and rising challenge of climate change, iconic landscapes are under grave threat.

Sustainable management that leverage recent advances in technology to restore and preserve these items, collaborating with local communities, and promoting sustainable and green tourism are the need of the hour.

To learn more about preserving cultural heritages: