Write the correct answer by filling in the blanks
is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
A hazard is a sudden event that has the potential to cause a
Alternative sources of energy are.
4. The war against the Germany colonization of Tanganyika fought in 1905-1907 was called
Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere died on 14th October,
The oldest skull of Zinjanthropus was discovered in
There are two types of thermometers, the .
The highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is called
and the
9. The eclipse of the moon is also called.
10. The economic activity that employs most people in Tanzania is

Respuesta :


  1. Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
  2. A hazard is a sudden event that has the potential to cause a harmful damage.
  3. Alternative sources of energy are : Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Nuclear Energy, Biomass Energy etc.
  4. The war against the Germany colonization of Tanganyika fought in 1905-1907 was called The Maji Maji Rebellion.
  5. Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere died on 14th October, 1999.
  6. The oldest skull of Zinjanthropus was discovered in 1959.
  7. There are two types of thermometers : Clinical thermometer and Laboratory thermometer.
  8. The highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is called Kibo.
  9. The eclipse of the moon is also called Lunar Eclipse.
  10. The economic activity that employs most people in Tanzania is agricultural sector.