
Which area on the reagent test strip would be positive, indicating an infection and its presence in a urine sample?

Respuesta :

Leucocytes. An infection or inflammation in your urinary system may be indicated by an increase in WBCs and/or a leukocyte esterase test that is positive.

How is test strip urinalysis done?

A urinalysis is a urine test that is most effective when done first thing in the morning with a full bladder. A urinalysis examines the color, concentration, and composition of urine and is used to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions, including kidney disease, diabetes, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

The urine is coated with a dipstick, which is typically a thin, plastic stick with chemical strips on it. The chemical strips will change color if specific substances are present or if certain levels are above or below normal, which can indicate the presence of substances like proteins, ketones, hemoglobin, and nitrites as well as harmful pathogens. Although easy, dipstick urinalysis might produce false-positive and false-negative results.

Learn more about urinalysis here: