Respuesta :

Gskyer Telescope 70mm Travel Telescope, around $200 There are a lot more alternatives as you go into the $100-$200 price bracket, but they're still geared toward amateurs and beginners, of course. For astronomers on a small budget, the Gskyer 70mm portable telescope is an exceptional choice.

What is a star-gazer?

Jack Horkheimer, executive director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium, previously hosted the brief astronomy program Star Gazers (originally known as Jack Horkheimer: Star Hustler and then Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer). The show was hosted by several guest astronomers after he passed away in 2010 from a respiratory condition he had battled since he was a little child. Dean Regas, James Albury, and Marlene Hidalgo took over as permanent co-hosts in 2011. Dean Regas and James Albury left the program in 2019, and Trace Dominguez took their places. The host of the weekly show updates the audience on important astronomical events for the following week, including important constellations, stars, planets, lunar eclipses, conjunctions, as well as facts from history and science regarding certain activities.

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