An emergency department nurse is evaluating a client with partial-thickness burns to the entire surfaces of both legs. based on the rule of nines, what is the percentage of the body burned?

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In an adult who has been burned, the percent of the body involved can be calculated as follows: If both legs (18% x 2 = 36%), the groin (1%) and the front chest and abdomen were burned, this would involve 55% of the body.

What is rule of nines in burn injury ?

The "rule of nines" can be used to rapidly determine the size of a burn. The surface area of the body is divided using this method into percentages. 9% of the surface area of the body is made up of the front and back of the head and neck. Each arm and hand's front and back together make up 9% of the body's surface area.

  • The amount of surface area a burn occupies on your entire body can be estimated using the rule of nines. Based on the extent and severity of the burn injuries, this helps guide therapies. Some of the medical professionals who apply the rule of nines most frequently are emergency medical responders.

Learn more about Rule of nine here: