securities dealers are financial intermediaries that participate directly in securities markets, buying and selling stocks and bonds for their own account.
What are financial intermediaries ?
Financial intermediary. - A financial intermediary is an organisation that raises money from investors and provides financing for individuals, companies and other organisations e.g. banks, insurance companies and investment funds. - It is an important source of financing for corporations.
What are the 4 types of financial intermediaries?
A financial intermediary is an institution or individual that serves as a middleman among diverse parties in order to facilitate financial transactions. Common types include commercial banks, investment banks, stockbrokers, pooled investment funds, and stock exchanges.
Securities dealers include individuals or firms that specialize in security market transactions by
(1) assisting firms in issuing new securities through the underwriting and market placement of new security issues, and
(2) trading in new or outstanding securities on their own account.
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