The French thinker who recognized extraordinary structural similarities in the myths of the tribal peoples of the Americas was Levi Strauss.
The work of French anthropologist and ethnographer Claude Lévi-Strauss was essential to the development of structuralism and structural anthropology.
The second half of the 1960s were devoted to Lévi-Strauss' master thesis, titled Mythologiques. He traced the tale by following one myth from the southernmost tip of South America and all of its variants from group to group north through Central America and eventually into the Arctic Circle. He achieved this in a characteristically structuralist manner by investigating the relationships between the story's elements rather than by concentrating on the story's actual plot.
Structuralism is a method for examining culture. It contends that human culture, which is the collection of learned attitudes and ideologies that define a society, is merely an outward manifestation of the inner workings of the mind.
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