It can be inferred from this statement that the detection of short bursts of radio waves or fast radio bursts is very common.
Fast or Short radio bursts, are intense, millisecond-long bursts of radio waves with unknown origins.
Since the first FRB was discovered in 2007, hundreds of these brief cosmic flashes have been shown to originate from several, far-off locations throughout the universe.
A significant portion of FRBs emit extremely brilliant radio waves that last only a few milliseconds at most before entirely vanishng, and about 10% of them have been seen to repeat and exhibit patterns.
The source's identity is still unknown due to the isolated character of the observed occurrence. Although a magnetar has been recognised as a potential source, as of 2022, there is no widely acknowledged single explanation.
Given that the bursts barely last a few milliseconds, the sources are assumed to be little larger than a few hundred kilometres.
Learn more about radio waves here :