Part A: Explain the meaning of these terms and how each relates to the scientific method.
1. Variables
2. Demand characteristic
3. Theory
4. Experiment
5. Data
6. Hypothesis
7. Case study
8. Dependent variable
9. Survey
10. Naturalistic
11. Design
12. Stimulus
13. Independent variable
14. Control group
15. Conclusion
16. random
ont describes part of the design, theory, variable or a hypothesis of

Respuesta :

Below is the meaning of each term and how each relates to the scientific method:

  1. Variables can be understood as a concept that expresses a value, classification or measure in scientific research.
  2. Demand characteristics relate to the needs and interest in scientific research.
  3. Theory is the set of untested arguments that justify information.
  4. Experiment is a systematic way of exploring data and information, for the accomplishment of the scientific study.
  5. Data is a set of research records that serve as the basis for a scientific study.
  6. Hypothesis is an assertion about a research question, proposing an expected result.
  7. Case study is the explanation of real phenomena through the collection and demonstration of qualitative data.
  8. Dependent variable is the factor that changes in relation to the manipulation of the independent variable.
  9. Survey is a research method to collect qualitative and quantitative data and information that will inform the research.
  10. Naturalistic is a theory about the knowledge of the world and its phenomena explained through the scientific method.
  11. Design is the scientific method whose purpose is the development of products and services to enhance the human experience.
  12. Stimulus are items of different natures used to promote a reaction of the components of a scientific study.
  13. Independent variable is the variable manipulated in a scientific study for the purposes of analysis and observation.
  14. Control group are groups that serve as parameters for the results of a research, not being manipulated, only compared.
  15. Conclusion the final part of the work, the synthesis of the considerations found through the testing of the theory and hypothesis.
  16. Random a choice from a representative sample of a larger population in a study.

What is scientific methodology?

It is a set of methods and techniques structured and organized in a complex way to test a theory, find new concepts and knowledge through research, study, experimentation and analysis.

Therefore, the scientific methodology helps the development of society through the production of reliable and tested knowledge in order to assist in social and technological progress.

Find out more about scientific methodology here: