The findings of Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) about the relationship between self-control and police misconduct show that low self-control, criminal opportunity, organizational justice, and cynicism influence police misconduct.
Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) theory of crime shows that police misconduct can be explained as a combination of criminal opportunity and low self-control.
According to the findings of Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016), initially, a lack of self-control leads to police misconduct. However, self-control does not continue to influence police misconduct.
The police, as an organization, does not administer adequate justice against police misconduct. Instead, cynicism among police officers and their supervisors influences police misconduct.
Thus, the findings of Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) about the relationship between self-control and police misconduct show that low self-control, criminal opportunity, organizational justice, and cynicism influence police misconduct.
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