If investors expect the average realized return from 2014 to 2018 on ccc’s stock to continue into the future, its coefficient of variation (cv) will be 0.45 (0.0799 / 0.1778).
The coefficient of version (CV) is a statistical measure of the relative dispersion of facts factors in a statistics collection across the imply. In finance, the coefficient of version permits investors to determine how lots volatility, or hazard, is believed in contrast to the quantity of return expected from investments.
For the pizza shipping instance, the coefficient of variation is 0.25. This cost tells you the relative size of the same old deviation as compared to the mean. Analysts frequently record the coefficient of variant as a percent. In this case, the usual deviation is 25% the dimensions of the suggest.
In opportunity concept and records, the coefficient of variation, also referred to as relative standard deviation, is a standardized measure of dispersion of a possibility distribution or frequency distribution.
Learn more about the coefficient of variation here: https://brainly.com/question/19616808