Mao Zedong and his supporters established the People's Republic of China, a Communist nation, in 1949, after decades of civil war. Mao was a totalitarian dictator whose two most well-known policies, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, exemplified his methods for gaining, consolidating, and maintaining control.
By the winter of 1958-59, Mao himself had realized that some changes were required, such as decentralization of ownership to commune constituent elements and a reduction in unrealistically high production targets in both industry and agriculture.
When the young party formed an alliance with Sun Yat-Nationalist sen's Party (Kuomintang [Pinyin: Guomindang]) in 1923, Mao was one of the first communists to join and work within the Nationalist Party.
When Mao returned to Hunan, he organized a peasant insurgency against the property owners, warlords, and Nationalists in his home province, but the Communists were quickly routed by the better-armed, better-trained Nationalists. Mao later claimed that he had been imprisoned but escaped before the Nationalists could execute him.
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