Respuesta :

Mao Zedong and his supporters established the People's Republic of China, a Communist nation, in 1949, after decades of civil war. Mao was a totalitarian dictator whose two most well-known policies, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, exemplified his methods for gaining, consolidating, and maintaining control.

What changes did Mao Zedong make to the communes?

By the winter of 1958-59, Mao himself had realized that some changes were required, such as decentralization of ownership to commune constituent elements and a reduction in unrealistically high production targets in both industry and agriculture.

When did Mao join the Communist Party of China?

When the young party formed an alliance with Sun Yat-Nationalist sen's Party (Kuomintang [Pinyin: Guomindang]) in 1923, Mao was one of the first communists to join and work within the Nationalist Party.

What happened to Mao Zedong when he returned to China?

When Mao returned to Hunan, he organized a peasant insurgency against the property owners, warlords, and Nationalists in his home province, but the Communists were quickly routed by the better-armed, better-trained Nationalists. Mao later claimed that he had been imprisoned but escaped before the Nationalists could execute him.

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