It is true that due to asthma, passive expiration is inadequate to expel the volume of air exhaled during quiet breathing.
In the absence of emphysema, the asthma patient had an unanticipated substantial loss of lung elastic recoil , which caused reductions in maximal expiratory airflow of 32 to 35 percent at 80 percent of total lung capacity and of 28 to 60 percent at 70 percent of total lung capacity. Because of elastic recoil decrease during asthma, which reduces volume, the main muscular effort during silent breathing is put into inhalation, while expiration is primarily passive and dependent on inhalation. In contrast to silent breathing, when the rate of intake and expiration time are reasonably proportionate to one another, during this the diaphragm is contracted to aid in the inhalation, which is least affected by the intercostal muscle.
So, the correct answer is a) true.
learn more about asthma here: