
What is the order of migration of hemoglobins acfs on cellulose acetate, ph 8.6, from the cathode to the anode?

Respuesta :

Hb S separates from Hb D and Hb G but migrates with them on alkaline electrophoresis is the order of migration of hemoglobins acts on cellulose acetate, ph 8.6, from the cathode to the anode.


  • One of the oldest methods of protein panel analysis is cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis (CAME).
  • Urinary protein electrophoresis has not been widely employed in clinical practice, and its principal use has been to validate the presence of the Bence Jones protein in multiple myeloma 6.
  • Some hemoglobins acquire a negative charge and move toward the anode in an acidic pH, whereas others acquire a positive charge and move toward the cathode (negative pole). For instance, on an acid electrophoresis, Hb S separates from Hb D and Hb G but migrates with them on alkaline electrophoresis.

Learn more about electrophoresis here
