
On a geologic map, if the contacts between sedimentary rock units form a bull’s-eye pattern of concentric circles, with the youngest unit in the center, the underlying structure is a(n)?

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Here the stratigraphic courting between layers is referred to, i.e in the bull's eye circle, the center is younger consequently its miles syncline.

Stratigraphic relationships are the relationships created among contexts in time, representing the chronological order wherein they have been created. Soils in stratigraphy are crucial to archaeology because they suggest a massive duration of balance whilst a panorama surface becomes solid and does not present a process of large deposition or erosion.

Stratigraphy has 3 associated subfields:

  • lithostratigraphy (lithologic stratigraphy),
  • biostratigraphy (biologic stratigraphy),
  • chronostratigraphy (stratigraphy through age).

Stratigraphy is that the class of different layers or layering of sedimentary deposits, and sedimentary or layered volcanic rocks. This subject is crucial to inform the geological history and bureaucracy as the basis for the classification of rocks into distinct units that may be without difficulty mapped.

Learn more about Stratigraphy here: