Respuesta :
In the above case, a skill acquisition will be the aim of the program.
What organizational goal is driving this skill acquisition training?
The purpose of skill acquisition is so that student can be able to learn one or more trade so that they can earn a living after school
What will the benefit be?
The benefit of acquiring a skill is that one will be equipped with a lot of good resources and also the skill of financial management, one will have improved strategic planning and others.
What competencies will skill acquisition need?
It just need your presence, one's talents and expertise that has been obtained via education or or life experience.
What is the skill gap?
- Critical thinking/problem solving
- Paying Attention to detail.
- Leadership.
- Teamwork.
What evaluation will be used to measure the level of goal achievement?
Output based on work done, practical work and result.
Who will be trained - student.
The estimated class size- 50 - 100
How many classes will there be and how long will this training last - 20 class and it will last 2 month.
knowledge and skill prerequisites -Ability to read and understand and also just come and you will be taught.
The type of program that is being proposed - skill and handwork training.
What media, if any will be used in the training - visual, media and communication tools will be used·
What will happen if we do not deliver the training - giving of certificates and graduation.
What are the restrictions or limitations for delivering a program - financial restriction.
What other methods may be used to reach the goal - use of the mass media for dissemination of information concerning the program. Its advantage is that it will benefit all and the disadvantage is financial constrain.
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