Marc and Julian are considering the following investments for their portfolio. Help them evaluate each one by weighing the risks versus return. Rank each as low, moderate, or high in each category.

In the given investments for Marc's and Julian's portfolio the risk-return tradeoff The assertions made will follow the risk to returns principle that says the greater the risk the greater the returns. In the categories let,
L= low
M= moderate
H= high in each category.
Therefore, appropriate ranking will show
More about evaluating risk and return:
The risk-return tradeoff, often known as the relationship between risk and prospective return on investment, is one of the tenets of investing. Investors are aware that, for the majority of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, taking on more risk or volatility increases the possibility of better returns. Investors look at an investment's alpha, beta, standard deviation, and Sharpe ratio to calculate the risk-return tradeoff.
Learn more about risk-return here: